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Illustration for news: ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

Iuliia Naidenova presented the results of the study "Wisdom of the crowd versus managers: data from the Major Football League"

Illustration for news: IDLab study image analysis with PyTorch

IDLab study image analysis with PyTorch

On June 20, 2022, the advanced training course "Python Programming for Image Analysis" began. As part of the course, IDLab members will learn machine learning methods that can be used for image analysis.

Illustration for news: IDLab Workshop

IDLab Workshop

Marina Zavertyaeva presented the study "Measuring of the economic value added of human capital"

Illustration for news: IDLab Workshop

IDLab Workshop

Anna Bykova presented the first results of the study "Internationalization and reputation of Russian companies"

Illustration for news: IDLab workshop for young researchers

IDLab workshop for young researchers

IDLab workshop for young researchers took place on the 3rd of June. At the seminar, professors of the laboratory spoke about how they became scientists, about their further academic trajectory, and also gave advices to young scientists.

Illustration for news: ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

Danila Sidorenko and Elena Veretennik presented the study "Research Endeavors of Business Schools"

Illustration for news: IDLab members presented their research at the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference

IDLab members presented their research at the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference

Iuliia Naidenova and Petr Parshakov took part in the 8th Western Football and Finance Conference

Illustration for news: ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

Anastasia Saltykova and Petr Parshakov presented research results

Illustration for news: ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

ID Lab ONLINE Workshop

Stepan Gogolev presented the results of the study "Information channels and general public financial decision making: review of studies"

Illustration for news: Student seminar "Cooking up your first research" by IDLab

Student seminar "Cooking up your first research" by IDLab

Evgenia Shenkman, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Finance and Junior Research Fellow at IDLab, spoke about the student seminar she organized this year. She talked about what happens at the seminar, who participates in it, and also about what it gives students from her point of view.