IDLab Workshop
September 6, IDLab hosted an academic seminar that brought together experts from the University of Vigo and lab staff to discuss a new study presented by lead researcher Elena Shakina. The study, co-authored with Angel Barajas and Natalia Volkova, was titled “Women and Men in Tech: Jobseeker's Contributions to Gender Wage Gap” and focused on the role of jobseekers in forming the gender wage gap in the IT sector.

The first IDLab workshop of the new academic year took place
On August 30, 2024, IDLab hosted the first workshop of the new academic year, which, as usual, was held in an online format. The event was attended by about 25 people, including lab staff and other attendees.

HSE Perm Campus experts at the DANO hackathon: support for young analysts
On August 24-25, the DANO hackathon dedicated to data analysis took place in Perm, featuring participation from school students. The event gathered 12 teams, totaling 60 participants from Perm, St. Petersburg, Moscow, and the Moscow region. The hackathon provided young participants with a unique opportunity to experience being data analysts, conduct their own research based on big data, and gain a chance to advance directly to the second stage of the Data Analysis Olympiad.

IDLab members are among HSE University's Best Teachers 2024
Voting for HSE University's Best Teachers 2024 Is Now Over

IDLab at SDG Global Summer School 2024 in China
Irina Maksimova, a research assistant from IDLab, attended the 2024 SDG Global Summer School on Sustainable Development Goals, which took place from July 22 to August 4 at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.

An article by scientists from the Perm campus was recognized for its special contribution to the international scientific reputation of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
The research conducted by the head of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, Petr Parshakov, junior researcher at IDlab Evgenia Shenkman, senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and Finance Alexey Chadov, and professor at the University of Maryland Dennis Coats focuses on the reward calculation function for winners and prize-winners of team competitions. The article "Team vs. individual tournament: An organizer’s dilemma" was published in the international journal "Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization."
Results of the spring educational innovation competition summarized - IDLab employees among the winners
Marina Zavertiaeva, Egor Ivanov and Nikita Matkin became winners of the National Research University Higher School of Economics 2024 Educational Innovation Competition. Congratulations to our colleagues!

IT Vendors, Human Capital, Economic Uncertainty: IDLab at EBES Conference
Maria Molodchik, Anna Daviy, and Evgenia Shenkman, participated in the 48th Eurasian Business and Economic Society Conference. The conference was held at Istanbul Ticaret University with the support of the Istanbul Economic Research Association.

IDLab at the International Summer School on Artificial Intelligence
Egor Ivanov, Alexey Smirnov, and Mikhail Usanin, trainee researchers from IDLab, participated in the International Summer School-Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ISSCAI), held in Saint Petersburg from July 1 to July 7, 2024.

Researchers from HSE University at Perm present an analysis of consumer sociology using the BERT model
On June 21, Junior Research Fellow of the Laboratory Yevgeniya Shenkman and Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Yuliya Papushina presented their research at the scientific seminar of the Department of Management at HSE University Perm. The research was titled "Topics and Dynamics in the Sociology of Consumption from 1976 to 2023: Automated Literature Analysis Using the BERT Deep Learning Model."