Mariia Molodchik has presented the paper during the 3rd international conference "Management science in contemporary world"
Mariia Molodchik has presented the paper "The impact of intellectual resources on the competitiveness of Russian companies" during the 3rd international conference "Management science in contemporary world" (1-2 December, Moscow).
Dmitri Timofeev:Non-Keynesian savings of Russians
On the 18th of November member of the ID Lab, leading analyst of "PFPG" and "Parma-Management" Dmitri Timofeev makes the report: Non-Keynesian savings of Russians.
ID Lab Workshop
On the 10th of November Anna Bykova presented her preliminary results from the investigation of the corporate performance gap between foreign- and domestic-owned firm and proposed to the members of the Lab the idea of a new paper about the impact of market power on Innovation for Russian companie in order to receive any advices about dependent variable and specification.
GSOM Emerging markets Conference 2015: Business and Government perspectives
ID LAB attended "GSOM Emerging markets Conference 2015: Business and Government perspectives"
Anna Bykova presented her study "Investigation of corporate performance gap: evidence from Russian manufacturing companies"
Elena Shakina, Marina Zavertijaeva and Mariia Molodchik reported the results of the study "Intangible-driven economic profit: where intangibles matter more?"
Round Table
Round table “Key resources of a company in new economy” will be organized by International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy ( on the 23rd of September from 16.15 till 18.00, room 103, Studencheskaya 38.
Dariia Skidnova has participated in the International summer school at the University of Applied Sciences «Hochschule Bremerhaven»
International summer school has been organized from 27 July to 10 August by the University of Applied Sciences «Hochschule Bremerhaven». Over 30 students from 12 countries took part in the event.
Mariya Molodchik participated in 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
On August 7-11 the 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management was held in Vancouver. Over 9500 participants from 90 countries took part in the event.
IDSchool - Day 4
Day 4 began from the short summary of previous day made by Angel Barajas. He repeated the main things of previous day and given some feedback.
IDSchool - Day 3
The 16th of June was started with interesting presentation of the Summer School Director – Marina Zavertiaeva. She presented the results of her paper conducted in collaboration with Felix Iturriaga and Eugenia Kuminova about the influence of Chief Executive Officer on company’s innovation activity.