IDLab members took part in ONLINE conferences
This week researchers of IDLab took part in two sports economics confrences: 1st NAASE virtual conference and joint 4th Eastern Conference on Football Economics & 6th Western Conference on Football and Finance
IDLab ONLINE Research Workshop
Anna Daviy and Elena Shakina presented the preliminary results of a joint study of the optimal moment of technology adaptation
IDLab ONLINE Research Workshop
Elena Veretennik (IDLab, NRU HSE - SPb) presented the results of the research on the relationship between collaboration and academic performance of university faculty
ID Lab: Research in times of lockdown
The first half of 2020 was unusual for everyone in the world. The COVID-19 pandemic led to lockdown, causing an avalanche of changes in our lives. These changes also affected the work of the International laboratory of intangible-driven economy (IDLab).
Students in IDLab
Each year, the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy (IDLab) hire several students as research interns. It also provides the opportunity to complete the research practice through participation in research projects. We want to describe briefly what IDLab students are doing and inform about current opportunities for cooperation
Congratulations with publication!
Article “The performance effect of intellectual capital in the Russian context: industry vs. company level ” is accepted for publication in Eurasian Business Review
ID Lab ONLINE Research Workshop
Olga Okulova (NRU HSE - SPb) presented the research on the impact of international accreditation on business-school performance
ID Lab ONLINE Research Workshop
Cornel Nesseler presented the research on social integration in Europe with a field experiment
ID Lab ONLINE Research Workshop
Professor Carlos Jardon presented the study on intellectual capital of Russian companies
ID Lab on April Conference
ID Lab members took part in the XXI April International Academic Conference