Elena Shakina, Anna Bykova and Mariia Molodchik participated “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference-2016”
Elena Shakina, Anna Bykova and Mariia Molodchik presented the results of their studies in the international research conference “GSOM Emerging Markets Conference-2016” organized on October 6 - 8 by Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University.
During the last three years this conference became an important platform to exchange views on emerging markets, confirmed by the great interest from Russian and foreign researchers. In 2016 the conference was attended by more than 470 participants - representatives of 60 leading universities from Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, India, and other countries. Elean Shakina presented the study "Swithcing to Innovative Strategy: the Phantom Menace" conducted with Angel Barajas. Anna Bykova prepared the report about "Do industry reinforce firm effects for Russian companies?" conducted together with Carlos Jardon. Mariia Molodchik reported the results of the study "Intangible based strategies of Russian companies" prepared with Carlos Jardon.
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