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Research & Expertise

Illustration for news: Dennis Coates take part in ROSES

Dennis Coates take part in ROSES

Dennis Coates presented the study “Salary Distribution and Team Performance in MLS Soccer” (video is availiable on YouTube!)

Idiosyncratic and Systematic Shocks of COVID-19 Pandemic on Financial Markets

On April, 15 E. Shakina, I. Naidenova and P. Parshakov shared first results of their research dedicated to financial markets in the spread of COVID-19.

Illustration for news: Scinetific workshop of ID Lab and the School of Economics and Finance

Scinetific workshop of ID Lab and the School of Economics and Finance

Petr Parshakov presented his PhD thesis «The Economics of eSports: Elements That Affect Performance», which he plan to defend 24 October 2019. Partucularly, Petr presented the structure and logic of the thesis.

VI iCare Junior

VI Interuniversity Student Scientific and Practical Conference iCare Junior

Illustration for news: VII Международная конференция «iCare»

VII Международная конференция «iCare»

IDLab members took an active part in the 7th iCare conference, which has become traditial for the HSE campus in Perm


Congratulations to the members of the IDLab with the academic awards!

ISCTE University of Lisbon hosted the annual conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM)

The ISCTE University of Lisbon hosted a conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), which was attended by members of the Department of Economics and Finance and the ID Lab

Illustration for news: Postdoctoral research positions

Postdoctoral research positions

IDLab in Perm and St. Petersburg invites applications for postdoctoral research positions in the field of empirical corporate finance, strategic management and sport economics.

Illustration for news: International Workshop "Political Economy of Development: Challenges and Perspectives"

International Workshop "Political Economy of Development: Challenges and Perspectives"

From 29th October to 1st November Anna Bykova, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance and research fellow of the IDLab, participated in the International Workshop "Political Economy of Development: Challenges and Perspectives", which was organized by the International Center for the Study of Institutions and Development (HSE)  in cooperation with The College of Humanity and Social Sciences (CHSS) at UAE University and New York University Abu Dhabi.

HSE April Conference on Economic and Social Development

IDLab members participated in the XIX HSE April Conference on Economic and Social Development