ID Lab ONLINE Workshop
Dmitry Kirpishchikov presented the results of a review of studies on corporate governance in the BRICS countries

Petr Parshakov presented a study at NTNU seminar
Petr Parshakov, researcher at ID Lab, presented the study “How Heuristic Hiring Practices Lead to Nonoptimal Outcomes: The Case of Obese Workers” at the seminar of NTNU (Norway)

Text mining to estimate an organization's reputation: the IDLab experience
The master's program "Financial Strategies and Analytics" in which students study text mining, showed the implementation of the results of IDLab projects in the educational process

IDLab ONLINE Research Workshop
Elena Veretennik (IDLab, NRU HSE - SPb) presented the results of the research on the relationship between collaboration and academic performance of university faculty

Dennis Coates take part in ROSES
Dennis Coates presented the study “Salary Distribution and Team Performance in MLS Soccer” (video is availiable on YouTube!)
Idiosyncratic and Systematic Shocks of COVID-19 Pandemic on Financial Markets
On April, 15 E. Shakina, I. Naidenova and P. Parshakov shared first results of their research dedicated to financial markets in the spread of COVID-19.

Scinetific workshop of ID Lab and the School of Economics and Finance
Petr Parshakov presented his PhD thesis «The Economics of eSports: Elements That Affect Performance», which he plan to defend 24 October 2019. Partucularly, Petr presented the structure and logic of the thesis.
VI iCare Junior
VI Interuniversity Student Scientific and Practical Conference iCare Junior
VII Международная конференция «iCare»
IDLab members took an active part in the 7th iCare conference, which has become traditial for the HSE campus in Perm