Ekaterina Marmysh took part in the conference IMMOD-2023
Ekaterina Marmysh, Research Assistant at IDLab, presented the report at the conference on simulation (IMMOD-2023).
11th All-Russian Scientific and practical conference on simulation and its application in science and industry «Simulation. Theory and Practice» (IMMOD-2023) was held in Kazan on 18-20 October 2023.
Ekaterina Marmysh presented a report "The Study of the Process of Content Distribution in Social Media in AnyLogic Environment". Authors of the research : Marmysh E.S., Strekalovskaya E.V., Syrvacheva E.R., Zamyatina E.B.
The presented study deals with the issues related to the definition of parameters that influence the process of information dissemination in social networks. The selected parameters are directional and bidirectional connections between users of social network, the users' influence degree and their level of realization of the potential of influence, and publication activity. The tool used in this work for running simulation experiments is the AnyLogic environment.
Ekaterina shared her impressions of the event:
Ekaterina Marmysh
Research Assistant: HSE Campus in Perm / International Laboratory of Intangible-driven
The IMMOD-2023 conference was an interesting experience and a feeling of belonging to the community of people united by the idea of spreading methods and tools of simulation modeling in as many spheres in science and industry as possible. For me it was the first experience of participation in the conference of such level and this experience, in my opinion, can be described as successful and useful. Such events undoubtedly help both theorists and practitioners to develop professionally in their field. This happens due to the involvement of the audience, the openness of the experts and the willingness of all participants to share knowledge and experience.