IDLab Workshop
Daria Usmanova presented the study "Impact of the Board of Directors on the relationship between CEO characteristics and earnings management". Co-authors of this research: Marina Zavertiaeva, Dmitrii Kirpishchikov, Anastasia Biserova.
The paper examines whether monitoring characteristics of the board of directors are able to reduce the ability of a powerful CEO to manage earnings. Researchers consider board size, independence and the presence of an audit committee to examine board quality, and CEO duality, tenure and political connections as personality traits that give him more power to influence reporting practices. The study uses the modified Jones model to determine the level of earnings management. The sample consists of Russian companies that are included in the broad market stock index of the Moscow Stock Exchange in the period from 2007 to 2020. The results of this study suggest that some board quality characteristics can influence earnings management by a strong CEO.