Итоги работы IDLab в 2021
In 2021, the IDLab research team operated as a distributed research center on the Perm and St. Petersburg campuses as part of three main projects:
1. Project-79 "Research of competencies of economic agents and analysis of their impact on digital transformation";
2. Competitiveness and advanced development of Russian business based on intellectual resources (Russian Science Foundation project 18-18-00270);
3. Projects within the framework of the grant for the creation of the Center for Artificial Intelligence of the HSE University (Neural network models of text analysis for assessing the impact of intangible assets on microeconomic indicators, AI-based ethics index for companies)
In addition to carrying out direct activities within the framework of the above research projects, the project team paid special attention to the development of advanced competencies, in particular, the following advanced training courses were organized:
· Lectures on advanced econometrics by prof. Scott Cunningham (Baylor University, USA)
· A practical course on text analysis in R and Python conducted by the laboratory staff
· Seminar with analysis of articles on topics related to theoretical modeling in economics and management (organizer – Shenkman E.A.)
IDLab members took part in various scientific events despite significant mobility restrictions in 2021, in particular, a PhD workshop was organized as part of the European Association of Sports Economics conference, 5 laboratory members took part in EURAM, 2 special tracks were organized as part of the annual AMEC conference at the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, a RSSIA Summer School was held jointly with the Center for Institutional Studies of the HSE University.
In 2021, IDLab continued to hold a weekly online seminar, which was attended not only by laboratory staff and graduate students, but also by a significant number of external speakers, with some of whom joint projects were launched.
An important achievement of IDLab in 2021 was the extension of the RSF grant for two years, obtaining support for two projects within the HSE Center for Artificial Intelligence, signing an agreement with Lenta to conduct field experiments, and a cooperation agreement with Risk Insights to develop an index of ethics for Russian companies based on open data.
In 2021, 8 graduate students in Perm and St. Petersburg took part in IDLab projects. It is important that this year they made a significant contribution to the publication activity of the laboratory and there is reason to expect that in the near future three graduate students who фcomplete their studies in 2022 will timely start pre-defense and defense of their dissertation research.