5th Eastern Conference on Football Economics & 7th Western Conference on Football and Finance July 2-3, 2021 (Online)
IDLab members took part in the annual conference on football economics and finance, which combined 2 conferences - 5th Eastern Conference on Football Economics and 7th Western Conference on Football and Finance July 2-3, 2021 (Online)
This specialized conference, organized by four universities at once - HSE University, New Economic School, University of Reading, and Paderborn University, brought together leading researchers from many countries.
From IDLab, research results presented:
Angel Barajas - Factors attracting fans to different standings in the stadium: Evidence from Disaggregated Data (Co-authors: Thadeu Gasparetto)
Petr Parshakov - Crowds correcting their assessment: Prediction errors and the frequency and variety of crowd comments (Co-authors: Dennis Coates and Sofia Paklina)
Petr Parshakov - The Spread of COVID-19 and Attending Football Matches: A Lesson from Belarus
Iuliia Naidenova - Broadcasts vs. highlights: What does a modern consumer prefer? (Co-authors: Petr Parshakov)
In addition, Sofia Paklina is also a co-author of: The Iron Curtain and Referee Bias in International Football (Authors: Dmitry Dagaev, Sofia Paklina, James Reade, and Carl Singleton)
Wish the research a successful publication!