IDLab ONLINE Research Workshop
Anna Daviy and Elena Shakina presented the preliminary results of a joint study of the optimal moment of technology adaptation
Anna Daviy, junior research fellow of IDLab-SPb, and Elena Shakina, head of IDLab, presented the preliminary results of the joint study “Excess momentum or excess inertia: do companies adapt technologies in the right time?”.
According to numerous reports, technological development is very fast and the level of changes among technologies is also very significant. Company cannot help but notice these technological changes and think over the response to them. The organizational development requires these constant changes. However, there is a paradox of organizing when organizing implies creating routines that slow down the organizational changes by forming an inertia. In this study, it is investigated whether the moment when the company decides to adapt the technologies impacts the company performance. In particular, we would like to estimate the effect of time factor on the company’s sales and company’s productivity, assuming that the changes in the sales and productivity may reflect the depth and the level of organizational changes. The moment of adaptation is defined on the regional and industrial benchmark.