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Regular version of the site

Employee Discrimination: Evidence from RFL and UFL.

A regular workshop on sports economics was held on Friday, March 16th. Petr Parshakov presented the article "Employee discrimination: Evidence from Russian and Ukrainian Football Leagues"

Employee Discrimination: Evidence from RFL and UFL.

The article discusses the problem of discrimination of football players on political grounds. This paper examines the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on the number of minutes played in the Premier League matches by Ukrainian players and vice versa.

The article was co-authored by Cornel Nesseler (Zurich University), Julia Naydenova (HSE - Perm), Aleksey Chusovlyankin (HSE - Perm).

Petr Parshakov

Международная лаборатория экономики нематериальных активов: Заместитель заведующего лабораторией