ID Lab Workshop
On the 10th of November Anna Bykova presented her preliminary results from the investigation of the corporate performance gap between foreign- and domestic-owned firm and proposed to the members of the Lab the idea of a new paper about the impact of market power on Innovation for Russian companie in order to receive any advices about dependent variable and specification.
The first study( Investigation of the corporate performance gap between foreign- and domestic-owned firms) examines whether and to what extent foreign-owned firms perform better than domestically-owned firms in Russia. The data come from the firm-level database of more than 1000 Russian companies over the period 2004 – 2013. The coverage period allows to investigate the changes of the performance gap during the economic crisis. The t-test results show that there are two different groups exist, but they are insignificant during the crisis. By using the quantile regression analysis determinants of the gap were observed. The impacts of several firm features like experience, size, and innovativeness on the indictors of financial performance where investigated. The findings indicate considerable heterogeneity in firm performance across types of firms.
The second paper( Impact of market power on Innovation for Russian companies) reviews the relationaship of market power and innovation output for Russian companies. Competition theory was developed in countries under assumptions that do not necessarily all fit the emerging countries. The main research question is whether the level of market power influences (and if it does, in which way) an innovation activity undertaken by companies operating on emerging markets. Apart from linear association, the modern empirical literature suggests an inverted U-relationship as far as its link to certain economic indicators of success, such as innovation output. The metrics of market power based on the Herfindahl-Hirshman Index and company share in the industry were built.