International Conference "Emerging Market Conference: Business and Government Perspectives"
On the 16-17 October the International Conference "Emerging Market Conference: Business and Government Perspectives" in Graduate Management School of Sankt Petersburg University. Mariia Molodchik and Carlos Jardon have presented their research "Implication of Learning Organization for Developing Markets: evidence from Russia". Learning organization is a concept combining issues as leadership, supportive learning environment and learning processes. Complexity and uncertainty of transitional economics can limit learning organization. The presented paper explores practical implication of concept “learning organization” in Russian economy as an example of developing market context. The authors apply PLS-analysis for estimation of relationships between leadership, supportive learning environment and learning processes. The empirical justification is provided on the sample of more than 100 respondents from 19 Russian companies. The study reveals positive significant influence of leadership on learning processes and supportive environment as well. Supportive environment appears to be an enabler for operation of learning organization also. The paper contributes to better understanding the barriers and stimulus for implication of learning organisation principles in Russian companies.
Presentation is available here: EMC_Molodchik_16_10.pdf
Presentation is available here: EMC_Molodchik_16_10.pdf
17 October